2025 Calendar Christian 2025 Christian Calendar โ Christian Religious Festival Calendar 2025: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 310 W. 17th St., Sundays holds Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8 a.m and Holy Eucharist Rite II with hymns at 10:30 a.m. and Choral Evensong at 4 p.m. trinitylittlerock.org. . โข First Christian Church: 2323 Broadway, (806) 763-1995, Worship times have changed. 8:15 a.m., Drive-up Service, west parking lot; 9 a.m., Chapel Service; 11 a.m., Sanctuary Service. Communion .

2025 Calendar Christian – But the beer calendar has been heavily criticized by conservatives, some of whom have called the calendar “demonic” for cantikualizing women (including some who are married) and lacking images of women . The Orthodox church has sought to distance itself from Russia, but changing the calendar means abandoning a principle that survived decades of Soviet repression. .